Our Board

The TasTAFE Board is appointed by the Minister for Skills Training and Workforce Growth.

The TasTAFE Board is responsible for the sustainable and effective governance and growth of TasTAFE, with a primary focus on advancing the objectives of the Strategic and Corporate Plans.

Our Board Members bring diverse expertise from careers across different industries within Tasmania and beyond. This diversity of knowledge ensures we have the necessary skills and strategic outlook to take us forward into the future and maintain quality leadership and governance over time.

The Board meets monthly and is supported by two committees: Audit and Risk Management Committee; and People, Safety and Culture Committee.

Board members are appointed by the Minister for a two-year term. The CEO is an ex-officio Director.

Meet our Board Members

Tim Gardner


Tim has more than 30 years’ experience in business leadership, management and strategic development with a focus on public infrastructure.

After undertaking various government roles early in his career, Tim joined his family’s business, Stornoway, in 1998. Tim led the business as CEO and then Managing Director for 12 years before stepping into the role of Chair. Stornoway provides civil asset services nationally to all levels of government, as well as to a wide range of private sector clients.

My interest in TasTAFE is that a strong and highly functional public VET provider is critical to the long term economic and social growth of Tasmania.

John Maddock, AM

Board member

John has extensive governance and senior executive leadership experience in the tertiary and adult education sectors, including serving in Chief Executive Officer positions at Box Hill Institute Group, the Gordon Institute of TAFE and the Centre for Adult Education.

John currently serves as a non-executive director with Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) and is Chair Finance and member of its Audit and Risk Committee. He is also Chair of the Melbourne Central Basketball Association Board.

John’s previous governance experience as a non-executive director within the education sector includes Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority (VCAA) and its Audit and Risk Committee, VTAC Board of Trustees, Deakin University Council and its Audit Risk Committee. John has also served on the Monash University Facility of Education Board, Innovation and Business Skills Australia (IBSA), Australian Training Products and eCoach Boards and as a member of the Victoria Polytechnic Vice Chancellor’s Advisory Committee at Victoria University. John is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

John was awarded the Australia Sports Medal for volunteer services with the Sydney 2000 Olympics. In 2013, John was made a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia for significant service to vocational education and training, and to the sport of basketball.

Anna Reid

Board member

Anna joined the Board in January 2022 and is passionate about equity in education and the role education plays in providing the future leaders, creators and workforce of Tasmania.

Anna has over 20 years of marketing experience across a diverse set of industries and geographies. As an award winning and experienced CMO Anna specialises in brand and digital transformation that is customer led and commercially oriented.

Anna is a Director in EY's Consulting practice specialising in customer led transformation and is focussed on the Education sector. Prior to joining EY, Anna led the brand and digital transformation of the Sydney Opera House, winning awards globally and locally.

Yvonne Rundle

Board member

Yvonne is passionate about the positive impact education has on the student, the community and the State. Her passion for education was triggered with her appointment to the University of Tasmania Council in 2005 and her subsequent appointment as Deputy Chancellor in 2008 through to 2011.

Yvonne is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the University of Tasmania. Yvonne is a former owner and director of a state-wide chartered accounting practice and has over 30 years of experience in public practice, consulting in areas such as succession planning, strategic planning, corporate governance, risk management, business and taxation advice.

Yvonne has experience in a range of board roles with her current roles including Non-Executive Director for TT-Line Company Pty Ltd, Metro Tasmania Pty Ltd, Metro Coaches (Tas) Pty Ltd, TasWater and a number of private companies. Yvonne also chairs the Audit and Risk Committees for TT-Line Company Pty Ltd, Metro Tasmania Pty Ltd and Department of Health.

Naomi Walsh

Board member

Naomi has a strong interest in workforce development, industry engagement and skills for the future with experience in industry sectors employing trainees and apprentices. She believes that industry-relevant skills are critical for students to succeed in their careers.

Naomi has 30 years’ experience in finance and commercial management roles including 13 years with a private company with operations in construction, manufacturing, tourism and hospitality sectors. In 2014 she was awarded the Telstra Business Women’s Award, Tasmania Corporate sector recognising her leadership in the Tasmanian construction industry.

Naomi’s qualifications include Master of Business, Fellow Chartered Accountant, Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors and alumni of the Tasmania Leaders program. She is deputy chair of the Chartered Accountants (CAANZ) Tasmanian regional council and Tasmanian representative on the CAANZ National Council.

Naomi is a non-executive director of Motor Accidents Insurance Board (Tas), Commissioner for Tasmanian Legal Aid, Tasmanian Development and Resources Board, Mental Health Council of Tasmania and Launceston Chamber of Commerce. She is Academic Lead Employability in the College of Business and Economics at the University of Tasmania.

Bianca Welsh

Board member

Bianca is a passionate restaurateur, board director and mental health educator. A business owner from the age of 21, she’s been a part of some of Launceston’s best and most recognised hospitality venues and events. Her roles in human resources have evolved into her creating her own business in mental health education and consulting to workplaces with the aim of creating mentally healthy workplaces.

She has extensive board experience beginning with Cornerstone Youth Services in 2013. She has also sat and chaired Design Tasmania, is a director with Visit Northern Tasmania, the Tourism Industry Council Tasmania and chaired a government advisory committee for skills in the tourism and hospitality industry. With a Behavioural Science degree and an obsession with all things to do with psychology and mental health and wellbeing, Bianca has become a go to spokesperson for how workplaces can be an important part of the prevention and early intervention ecosystem of mental well-being. With lived experience and education in a wide range of mental illnesses, as well as PTSD, trauma, baby loss, racism and more, she loves bringing taboo topics to the table and reducing stigma one conversation at a time.

Bianca has received a number of personal accolades including Young Restaurateur of the Year, Young Professional of the Year, Young Australian of the Year Finalist, Tourism Minister's Young Achiever Award and, more recently, made the list of 40 under 40 Most Influential Asian Australian of the Year. She never rests on her laurels and is continuously learning and educating herself in any way she can.

Lee Whiteley

Board member

Lee is an organisational leader experienced in providing high level direction and cultural transformation. Lee has held multiple executive positions over a 20-year timeframe working across industry disciplines and international boundaries. These include senior positions with Vestas Wind Systems, the University of Tasmania and the Elphinstone Group. Lee was also the founder and Managing Director of advanced manufacturing company Southern Prospect Pty Ltd.

Lee is motivated by the challenges associated with bringing together the people, organisations and resources required to promote and sustain progress and is energised by positive outcomes. He has successfully built strong partnerships with leading companies, community-based organisations, government agencies and other partners to deliver the required results.

Lee is the Chief Executive Officer of Rural Alive & Well Inc (RAW).