What are foundation skills?
Foundation skills include reading, writing, numeracy and digital skills. We all need and use these skills every day. They also include things like communication, time management and working in teams. Vital skills for the workplace.
We know that experience, skills and ideas come in all sorts of ways and we value that diversity. Whether you are returning to study after a long break, building on the skills you already have, or entering further education for the first time, it’s important that you have the opportunity to develop your foundation skills in a way that works for you. TasTAFE provides a range of services to ensure that your skills development needs are met throughout your study.
Foundation Skills Services
Sometimes a learning journey is not a straight path. Whether you are an apprentice or trainee completing your studies in the workplace or you believe that your reading, writing, maths, computer or study skills may present a barrier to you completing any level of qualification, we have targeted skill development services to build your confidence and success. Please talk with your teacher about our Foundation Skills Services, to make sure you get the most out of your training.
Specialist foundation skills teachers work with your teacher to provide you with targeted Core and Supplementary Learning. These can be done face to face or online via videoconferencing.

Core Learning
Core Learning provides 1:1 tuition, personalised to your foundation skill development need and vocational training.

Supplementary Learning
Supplementary Learning provides short-term, small-group foundation skills learning with your classmates, to really practice the specific skills you need to be successful in your training.
Skills Boost Sessions
Get individual help with digital skills, reading and writing skills, study skills, maths skills and job seeking skills. All the general skills you need to be a successful TasTAFE student. A Skills Boost session can be done online or face-to-face at any of our campus libraries. Simply book in a Foundation Skills Services Skills Boost session at a time and location that works for you. Skills Boost sessions are for all learners at all levels. Everyone is welcome!
Preparation programs
If you need to develop your skills and increase your career options, TasTAFE has a wide range of vocational preparation programs on offer, on campus, online and in the community.
These courses are designed to develop your skills or work out your career options, and can also include introductory courses such as work experience placements to give you a ‘taste’ of different careers. Find out more about our vocational preparation programs.