Plumbing apprenticeship better than any office job for Max

Published on: 11 Mar 2021

Just over a year ago Max Beattie was on a gap year working as a receptionist, now he’s found a new career as an apprentice plumber and says it's better than any office job.

Looking for a change, Max started looking at areas he was interested in that were hands-on with decent pay and thought plumbing fit the bill.

He enrolled in TasTAFE’s Certificate II in Plumbing in 2020 and a few weeks after completing the course was offered an apprenticeship with A'One Plumbing Services in Hobart – a job he loves.

“It’s been great. I work with some great people and have fun. It’s hard work a lot of time. I’m the only apprentice there so I’m always on the shovel, but I love it."

“I didn’t really realise how much satisfaction I would get from the job. For example digging a big hole, you feel like its never going to end and once you’ve finished its so satisfying."

“I also enjoy the intricacies of water services and trying to solve problems and trying to work out how you’re going to do things to your best ability. It’s just all very fun. It’s very snappy, very quick and very hands-on which is great.”

Max says his TasTAFE plumbing teachers, both in the Certificate II (which offers foundation skills to help participants gain an apprenticeship) and now in the Certificate III apprentice training, have been very supportive.

“The teachers are great. They really get involved and show you what’s what. And if you’re struggling with something they definitely pick it up really quick. Overall they’re just really supportive and they really care about you.”

Max’s goal is to become fully qualified and then complete his Certificate IV in Plumbing.

“Hopefully I’ll still be working for A'One Plumbing because it’s a great company, I have a great boss and just overall it’s been a really good experience with them."

Max says he would definitely recommend a plumbing apprenticeship.

“It’s so much better than any office job. You get paid to go to work every day and you get paid for your training. It’s just fully hands-on and you learn so much every day. Overall it’s really enjoyable. You find yourself going to places and doing things that you never imagined a plumber would do."

“It just expands your idea of what goes on in the construction industry as well.”

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