Learning Access Plan

A Learning Access Plan is the formal document developed by a Disability Liaison Officer, in consultation with yourself, as the student experiencing a disability, medical or mental health condition.

The Learning Access Plan lists the reasonable adjustments that are required to reduce educational disadvantage and thereby support you in your studies.

As an education provider, TasTAFE is legally required to comply with the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and Disability Standards for Education (2005).

These pieces of legislation require us to make reasonable adjustments for students experiencing a disability, medical or mental health condition, and demonstrate that we have consulted directly with you, when determining any proposed adjustments.

How are adjustments on the Learning Access Plan determined?

As a TasTAFE student, you are encouraged to disclose any disability-related assistance you may require as early as possible with the Disability Liaison Officer in your region.

This can be done by completing the Disability Assistance Notification Form, when you register your interest in a course, or on the Student Application Form (question 7). You can also make an appointment to meet with a Disability Liaison Officer at any time.

The Disability Liaison Officer will arrange to meet with you, either in person, or by phone or email. You will be asked to provide evidence of your disability and the Disability Liaison Officer may request additional information from your qualified practitioner which identifies the impact of disability in regard to your study.

The Disability Liaison Officer will use this information to assess the impact of your condition on your study, taking account of diagnostic assessments, reports, Individual Education Plans and other relevant information.

Recommendations for inclusive teaching practices, study adjustments and services are based on:

  • the implications of the your disability/condition in relation to the inherent requirements of the course
  • what is practically possible
  • your skills and preferences in using assistive technology and alternative strategies
  • TasTAFE policies and obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth).

Where adjustments may need to be made to your course, recommendations will be discussed with you, the teaching team, and other service providers where necessary.

The Disability Liaison Officer will then draft your Learning Access Plan, which is agreed to by you, and then sent to the Education Manager for discussion with the teaching team, their approval and signature.

When approved, the Disability Liaison Officer will advise you and get you to sign your Learning Access Plan. This will then be sent to your Education Manager and teacher/s, as appropriate. You will be encouraged to refer to it in discussions with teaching staff.

Do I have to have a Learning Access Plan?

No.  There are a number of reasons why you may not have a Learning Access Plan, including:

  • you are able to study on an equal basis to other students without additional assistance
  • you may not wish to be labelled as "disabled" and decide to negotiate directly with the teaching team for adjustments that are able to be organised with ease, without formalising a LAP
  • you may have already registered with the Disability Liaison Officer in your region, and have arrangements in place (for example, extended Library/Assistive Equipment loans), but don't have a LAP because you don't require specific arrangements to be made with the teaching team
  • you may have made a decision not to disclose a disability, medical or mental health condition to TasTAFE.

Does my Learning Access Plan have to disclose my specific disability or condition?

No. Unless you have provided consent, the name of your disability, medical or mental health condition will not be indicated on your Learning Access Plan. It is the implications of your condition in regard to your participation in the course which are most important.

Your Disability Liaison Officer will discuss with you the benefits of sharing relevant information about your circumstances with teaching staff. Some students are confident and happy to disclose information about their condition to everyone that they will be working with, while others may be more reluctant to disclose. This is particularly so for students with specific learning disabilities, medical and mental health conditions where historically stigma has been attached.

What do I need to do with my Learning Access Plan?

Teaching staff will consider and implement the recommended adjustments in the section of the Learning Access Plan called 'Arranged by Education Team,' and ‘Arranged for Work Placement’ where applicable.

While the proposed adjustments have been developed to assist you to access your studies, some adjustments are just good inclusive teaching practice, and will often be things that teaching staff do all the time but will be particularly beneficial to you. Other listed adjustments will be specific to your individual circumstances.

What if my Learning Access Plan needs to be reviewed?

Learning Access Plans can be dated for a single semester, a full year or beyond. This will be determined through a discussion between the Disability Liaison Officer and yourself.

Some students have a permanent condition, so arrangements may remain the same for the duration of their course. Subsequent semester plans will just require dates of coverage to be amended. Other Learning Access Plans may need to be reviewed more often, particularly if your condition fluctuates and unanticipated challenges arise as you progress with your studies.

If you or your teacher finds that the recommended adjustments in a Learning Access Plan are not working, you can contact the Disability Liaison Officer to request a review.

Note– you are responsible for making an appointment with the Disability Liaison Officer if your Learning Access Plan needs to be reviewed, has expired or you have enrolled in a different course.

How can I provide feedback or learn more about Learning Access Plans?

If you have questions relating to an individual Learning Access Plan, please contact the Disability Liaison Officer identified on the Plan.