Developing Industry Trainers to support the energy industry

Published on: 07 Dec 2021

Industry trainers students in the classroom

A new TasTAFE training program will help ensure Tasmania has a skilled workforce to support the state’s major energy projects such as Project Marinus and Battery of the Nation.

The Developing Industry Trainers Program will skill-up industry specialists to become trainers in their own right, so that they can train others in their workplaces.

15 participants across industries including electrotechnology, advanced manufacturing, polymer processing, civil construction, engineering and trade para-professionals started their Certificate IV in Training and Assessment at TasTAFE. Once completed, they will become qualified trainers.

Participants started the program on 11 November and will complete their training in June next year. They come from a range of small and large enterprises, including Hydro Tasmania, TasNetworks, Degree C, Caterpillar and Cement Australia.  Participants were recently visited by Minister for Skills and Workforce Growth, Sarah Courtney while at Alanvale Campus.

The program offers participants tailored, individualised mentoring and support to ensure that they are given the best possible chance of completing the qualification.

It is being delivered through a blended online and face to face model to maximise flexibility and fit with participants’ employment and other commitments.

TasTAFE received funding for the program through Energising Tasmania’s Energy and Infrastructure Training Market Development Fund.

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